
While the “Golden Age of Gunnelpumpers” phrase has been heard before, this is truly an exciting time for us. I’ve been working like the dickens to totally redesign our web site, and it’s really coming together, IMHO. If you’re old enough to remember, it’s like the “New Marie”, but prettier.

There is a preview of our new CD, Montana Fix, that can be heard here. I’m absolutely thrilled about the album and would love for y’all to give it a listen. The release date is July 24, 2013, with a release party at Martyrs’ in Chicago. Please join us!

I’m also putting up as many live recordings of our shows as possible, sortable by the performers. As they say, “Every Gunnelpumpers show is like a snowflake: unique, impermanent, and beautiful, unless it’s a less-beautiful mutant snowflake.”

Please stop on by gunnelpumpers.com and click around and give things a listen. There’s always more to do, but that’s just an existential reality.


Douglas Johnson